How a Tiny House Won't Make You Happy.


So, you are imagining yourself living the perfect life, one that could only be obtained through living a life in a Tiny House. Well, it's no big secret anymore, and living in a Tiny House will not make you happy. Getting a smaller fridge to hold just enough food for a week, did not make me happy. Showering in a wine barrel did not make me happy, or cleaner. Taking a oven out of my house and not being able to bake did not make me happy. Having to take only a mere 4 steps to get from my kitchen to my living room has not made me any happier, living in a Tiny House. I think sometimes, that if we all lived this way we would all be a little happier, but it's not so. YOU make your life happy! You control what good or bad comes into your life, and it's the way you respond to it is where you find your happiness. This isn't the life for everyone, people find their happy in many different ways. I have a friend that finds her happiness in 8-12 cups of coffee a day, and others that enjoy spending their time with friends and family. Living in a Tiny House is what you make it to be. I love that my fridge only holds about a weeks worth of groceries, this gives me the time to chat with my favorite check out ladies at Central Market, and see what they have been up to. I love showering in my wine barrel, it's so different it forces you to look at something so standard as taking a shower, in a whole new light. Not having an oven in the house forces us to interact with our friends and help build a community feeling, something that is missing from our busy lives that makes us believe we need to be totally self-sufficient and that asking for help is unacceptable. I'm not confined by my house, yes it's small but this life gives me a chance to explore creative possibilities. Living in a Tiny House has not made me any happier, but I have found my happiness with it. To be kind to others, to never stop giving even when you have nothing left to give. To not focus on the future but live every moment now...that's my happiness! To be grateful right now for everything that has come into your life, it has made you who you are today! You make your happiness in every moment of your life, and I only wish that everyone has the opportunity to find their own, true happiness.

Christopher and I have fallen in love with each other every day since the day we met. He is my best friend and my eternal light. I love looking into his eyes and seeing that same love I have for him, shine back at me with his gentle gaze. We built a house together and made it our home, and this has brought much peace to our lives. We find happiness in the experiences we share with each other and those around us. Since building our home, we continue to hear so many of your stories and experiences. You tell us that you were inspired by what we have done, and that you want to do the same. You told us you want to hear more, what it's like living in a Tiny House, now that it's done. You tell us your story and how it has changed the way you think. I only hope that you go and inspire others, challenge the world's thinking about how life is supposed to be. We are forever grateful for all the support we have had over just these past 2 years. We never thought our journey would take us any further than building a home, but you have made it so much more. You have made it a chance to reconnect with your neighbors, to exchange creative thoughts and a way to move people to inspire good things. Those good things make this world better, and by doing so, you will find your Happy!


Thank you all, 

Chris and Malissa Tack

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